Sisterhood Mentorship





The Sisterhood Mentorship Programme is a solution provider offering the T.R.U.T.H. proven system that will transform individuals who are in the state of feeling H.A.T.E. – helpless, anxious, trapped and empty to feeling L.O.V.E. – Liberated, Optimistic, Victorious with Empathy. 

While the main focus is on helping clients identify their innate talents to why they think, feel and act a certain way, the initial stage is to help clients uncover which part of their behaviour is their true nature, and which part is based on a past programming that is holding them to stepping up and living their truth. This constitutes walking clients through an inner child healing process. 

After the first few sessions of helping clients get past their past, we bring them to their present time to focus on identifying their fears and frustrations, and wants and aspirations. Clients will identify their dreams and goals, and be guided by a coach how to strategically map out getting from point A of where they are to Point B where client would intend to be, personally and professionally. At this stage, clients would identify their purpose with meaning, resonating with their higher calling.

The final step is filled with execution strategies and tactical plans for clients to achieve turning their dreams into reality with confidence and clarity.

Step Up Journey smp Sisterhood Mentorship Programme

Delivery Method
Virtual 1 on 1 Coaching

Recommended duration
6 to 10 Months exclusive hand-holding coaching


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Delivery Format

Areas to Step Up on

Strengths Finder

Write a book

Resilience & Confidence Building

Be a Public Speaker


Communication Skills

Turn a Hobby into Money

Innovative Problem Solving

Be an Effective Team Player

Step Up Journey SUJ-Logo Sisterhood Mentorship Programme

Be part of the Step Up Journey


(+65) 9452-6532
